Just a note...

I am determined to post some of my poetry, writings, and musings here in order to stimulate myself to write more and in order to share my writing with the communities around me. If you find something of value here and would like to use it, please ask permission and give attribution as everything here is my original work. Oh, and if you ever happen to collect money from what you find here, split it with me, okay? Thank you.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Grace Comes Barging In

grace comes barging in
kicking down the doors
breaking through windows
throwing love around
in floods of mercy

naked, afraid
hand held to the sky
terrified to die
I cower in the corner
trying hard to hide

we never see it coming
in our barred houses
protected places
security fenced world
it’s in before you know it

it grabs me hard
slams me to the floor
slaps on cuffs
then yanks me to my feet
and makes me walk

walks me past my defenses
past my shame
past my compensations
my abilities to cope
into worlds unknown

where I am a prisoner
of a different kind
a prisoner of love
before a merciful judge
who somehow turns me loose

1 comment:

Dick Staub said...

I love this exploration of the wild, rugged, sweet and kind grace of God ~ not boxable or reducible in complexity.
Good work.